George Carneal, author of “From Queer to Christ," was raised by a Southern Baptist minister in the ultra-conservative Bible Belt. For years
he struggled with his Christian faith and a same-sex attraction. George shares his painful journey through a secular world at odds with homosexuality, in addition to a religious world that is hostile to homosexuals. Perhaps sharing his journey through the eyes, and mind,
of a confused child dealing with a same-sex attraction will give some insight into the pain and difficulty of navigating these two worlds.
George would eventually spend 25 years immersed in the homosexual lifestyle (mostly in the Los Angeles club scene) and shares the pitfalls
of that life. His story is not about glamorizing a life he once lived. This
is merely his journey and what he learned along the way. Deliverance
from that bondage is possible. There is hope in Christ!
George is a frequent speaker at churches and conferences, and has worked with pastors who are struggling with how to address the LGBTQ issue, with pastors and parents who are seeking guidance on how to help their LGBTQ children, as well as worked with LGBTQ individuals who want out of that life.
George has also appeared on the following broadcasts...
One America News - In Focus w/ Alison Steinberg
The Stew Peters Show
The Eric Metaxas Show
The Millstone Report w/Paul Harrell
The Christian Television Network - Homekeepers Program
World Net Daily w/Greg Corombos
InterMountain Christian News w/White House Journalist,
Dr. Anthony Harper
Stand In The Gap Today (American Pastors Network)
w/Sam Rohrer, Isaac Crockett & Gary Dull
Janet Mefferd Live
The Sentinel Report w/Alex Newman
Conservations That Matter w/Alex Newman
In The Spotlight (The New American) w/Rebecca Terrell
Truth Reports w/Dr. Rima Laibow
The Absolute Truth w/Emerald Robinson
Guest Host: Gabrielle Cuccia
D. James Kennedy Ministries/Truths That Transform w/John Rabe
Focus Today w/Perry Atkinson (The Dove TV)
Liberty Roundtable w/Sam Bushman
Liberty Coalition Canada w/Dr. Rev. Michael Thiessen
Caravan To Midnight w/John B. Wells
CBN News/Global Lane News w/Gary Lane
(Christian Broadcasting Network)
Good Fight Ministries w/Chad Davidson
Warning TV & Radio (World Ministries International) w/Dr. Jonathan Hansen
Warriors and Wildmen Podcast w/Doug Giles & Rich Witmer
Truth Express Radio w/Erskine
Worldview Matters w/David Fiorazo
Stand Up For The Truth w/David Fiorazo
Church And State Media w/Caleb Collier & Gabe Blomgren
(American Christian Network)
The Celestial Report w/Celeste Solum
The Alan Nathan Show
Connecting The Dots w/Dan Happel
Omegaman Radio w/Shannon Davis
Catalytic Conversations w/Connie Shields, Dr. Rima Laibow &
Deborah Boehm
Christian Life Magazine 99.3 FM
Here I Am Show w/Jamie Price Willis
Truth For Our Time w/Tamara Scott (The Truth Network)
Bill Martinez Live
Patriot Radio w/Pastor Matt Shea
Point of View w/Pastor Josh Barnes (Right America Media Network)
Rush To Reason Conservative Talk Radio w/John Rush
The Kevin Hoyt Podcast (Grass Roots Warrior Network)
Agenda 21 Radio w/Paul Preston
Love & Truth Network w/Garry Ingraham
The Voice of a Nation/Malcom Out Loud
(The America Out Loud Network)
Chosen Generation Radio w/Pastor Greg Young
Wisconsin Christian News (WCN-TV) w/Robert Pue
The What's Right, What's Left Podcast w/Pastor Ernie Sanders
The Sutherland Report w/Mark Sutherland
The Patriot Pastor Show w/Pastor Macil Duncan
The Deaf-Blind Potter Podcast w/Kelvin Crosby
The Shanda Fulbright Podcast
The Amber May Show
The Tania Joy Show
The Voice Of Reason w/Andy Hooser
News & Views w/Gregory Howard
Face The Facts w/April Moss
Soaring Eagle Radio w/Dr. Mike Spaulding
Dr. Mike LIVE
Through The Black w/Thom Dunn
David Heavener TV
Pray In Jesus’ Name News w/Dr. Chaps
JMJ Catholic Radio w/Fr. Leo McKernan
The What’s Up Radio Program w/Terry Lowry
The Sam Sorbo Show
The Silk Or Joe Show
Everything Home w/Michele Swinick
Let’s Just Talk Radio w/Kathryn Raaker
Hear The Watchmen Journey w/Mike Kerr
First Stone Ministries w/Stephen Black
Unhinged America w/John Diamond
Midwest Christian Outreach w/Don Veinot & Ron Henzel
The Meeting House w/Bob Crittenden (Faith Radio)
The Andy Caldwell Show
The Do Not Talk Podcast w/CharLee Simons
VinnDoggRadioUSA Podcast w/Vinnie Jones
The Bill Bunkley Show (FaithTalk Radio)
The Power of Purity Podcast w/Tony Ingrassia
Now Is The Time Podcast w/Meri Crouley
Building Strong Homes Podcast w/Carol Roper
Free At Last Podcast
CMDA (Christian Medical & Dental Association) Matters Podcast
Hebrew Nation Radio w/Laura Lee
Igniting A Nation w/Rabbi Dr. Eric Walker
Countdown Radio w/John Parsons
Living Above The Drama Radio w/Dr. Georgianna Donadio
Christian Worldview Seminar
Last Call Radio w/BJ Edwards
The Hidden Day w/David Paxton
The Dig Bible Podcast well as contributed to online articles for:
LifeSite News
Christian Life Magazine
The Christian Post
Tennessee Conservative News
To schedule a media interview, invite George to speak at a church or conference (he is also available via Skype, Streamyard, Zoom, etc.), or if you simply have questions (confidentiality is assured), he can be reached at:
George Carneal is not a licensed counselor. The advice offered in his media
interviews or speaking engagements is based solely on biblical guidelines
and his own personal experience and is not intended to be a substitute for professional counseling. If you are someone who struggles with unwanted same-sex attraction or gender confusion, please seek help from qualified
sources with any questions or concerns you have regarding the mental,
emotional, physical or spiritual health of yourself or your loved ones.
George's goal is to help the body of Christ understand the people of the
LGBTQ community so the church can be better equipped to minister
to them with both grace and truth.
BEWARE of scam artists, people impersonating George Carneal, asking for money, asking you to invest in any opportunity, asking for your personal information privately or in public forums, etc. Donations to support George Carneal’s ministry are listed below under the DONATE section. If you are being asked to send money to links that are NOT listed on this website, they are fraudulent. George Carneal does not give investing advice, send people unsolicited messages stating “he needs to talk to you,” nor does he provide his contact phone number in any public forum. If you have been contacted by someone claiming to be George Carneal but it seems suspicious, please forward that information to George Carneal at this email address: Please provide as much detailed information as possible. George Carneal will only respond from that
email address. Be safe.
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"From Queer To Christ" is available at these USA and International
locations and online book stores (hard copy and ebook): AbeBooks,
Agapea, Amazon, American Book Warehouse, Alibris, Apple Books,
Barnes & Noble, Blackwell’s, BOL, Book Shop, Books A Million, BooksRun,
Booktopia, Buecher,, Feltrinelli, Foyles, Gardners, Google Play
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Orell Fuessli, Osiander, Paagman, Rakuten Kobo, Smashwords, Standaard
Boekhandel, Thalia, The Great British Bookshop, Tolino, Vivlio, Walmart,
Waterstones, Weltbild, and World of Books (WOB).
Click here for locations and links:
Other worldwide online bookstores to be added soon.
Please check back for updates.
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When I hear LGBTQ individuals state they are
not happy, they usually blame it on their parents,
or Christians. Understand, you could enact all the
hate laws in the world, destroy every Bible, kill
every Christian, even eradicate all religions, but God
will never allow you to have peace doing something
He has declared wicked and an abomination. You
can’t run from God.
If God is okay with homosexuality, why is He
delivering so many people out of that life? God is not
the author of confusion (1 Corinthians 14:33).
To the LGBTQ community, my message isn’t one of
hate. What you can’t dismiss is my story. I lived that
life for 25 years. I’ve seen the reality of that world, the
casualties of friends and acquaintances who are dead
from AIDS, drug overdoses, suicide, and murder after
meeting a random stranger for sex.
I’ve seen the promiscuity, the endless failed relationships, open relationships, addiction to sex and pornography, and friends medicating with alcohol and drugs to cope with life. That’s not a judgment. That’s truth. Sure, there are exceptions, but what I'm describing is the norm. I don’t want you to go through what I, and so many others, have been through.
It’s time to end the façade. My message is about exposing the reality of the LGBTQ life. That is the most loving thing I can do for you.
The media, and Hollywood, sanitize the life. You get a brief glimpse of a celebrity couple and/or smiling, gorgeous gay men and everyone gets the impression it’s a grand, gay old life.
Yes, it’s great to be a part of a community where you feel like you belong, aren’t an outcast, and feel safe. However, go into the trenches and actually live that
life for a while, especially in the larger cities where
anything goes, and you’ll be horrified. “Sin” is fun
for a season but the newness will wear off and
where will you be?
The LGBTQ community is a youth-oriented culture, driven by sex. When your body falls apart, as you age, when your looks fade, you will be discarded because you are no longer desirable. Most of you will grow old and be alone. What do you hope to gain from being in that life? The reality is that there’s nothing to be
gained from it. That’s why I walked away from that
world and surrendered my life to Jesus.
I was tired of the misery, the depression, the suicidal thoughts. I battled drugs, alcohol, was a prostitute, and had a sex addiction. I attempted suicide. I was miserable and so are the countless numbers of LGBTQ individuals around the world who contact me, searching for answers, desperate to get out of that life.
Many are unable to comprehend that freedom from a
sex addiction, masturbation, pornography, drugs and
alcohol, even that lifestyle, is possible and that
freedom, and joy, can be found in Jesus.
If God hasn't yet changed your sexual desires for
someone of the opposite sex, that's okay. God may
be doing a work in your life that you don't yet understand but know that celibacy is an option.
Jesus was single and celibate and there was nothing
deficient about Him. The Apostle Paul addresses
the issue of being single vs. marriage in
1 Corinthians, Chapter 7. Your life can be fulfilled in
other ways that doesn’t revolve around your
sexual identity.
Yes, a relationship with someone who compliments
you, values you, supports you, lifts you up, is
wonderful but you can also have a fulfilling life as
a single, celibate person. There are heterosexuals
who have chosen such a life. A fulfilling life outside
of the LGBTQ lifestyle is possible. Find your
fulfillment in Jesus. Desire a relationship with God.
God hates sin, the sin of homosexuals and
heterosexuals. However, God loves you and that is
evident by what Jesus did on the Cross. Once you
understand God’s character, understanding that
He will never hurt you, that it grieves Him to see
you in bondage, and you fully surrender your life
to Him, only then will you truly find joy and
freedom. But you must come to God His way…
and that’s through Jesus.
God will not override your free will. You must see
yourself as a sinner. Sin is offensive to God. REPENT (meaning to turn from that sin), and give your life to
Jesus. Turn your back on everything that God's Word deems wicked. It is well worth it to have true peace that only God can give. God will never allow you to have peace in sin and wickedness.
The LGBTQ community doesn’t care about you
but God does! An eternal Hell, apart from Jesus,
is not worth a romp in the sack. The pain you’re
going through is temporary. Jesus is returning soon.
Give your life to Jesus today while you still have time. Tomorrow is not guaranteed for any of us. If you’ve tried everything else, what do you have to lose by giving your life to Christ? The eternal reward is
going to be worth it.
See the section below on how you can come to know Jesus as your Savior and change the eternal destiny
of your soul at this very moment.
Should you have any questions, please email me at
“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him (Jesus), shall not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16).
“I have told you these things so that in Me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble but take
heart! I have overcome the world” (John 16:33).
Can you Be Gay & Christian?
Six Truths About Homosexuality
Did Jesus Address Homosexuality In The Bible
The Bible & Homosexuality
Ex-Lesbian NDE Hell Testimony
Former Homosexual Sees Vision of Hell - Warning
Ex-Gay Suffering With AIDS - Warning To Homosexuals
Please share this website with others who are in the LGBTQ lifestyle to
expose the lies propagated by the LGBTQ activists as well as apostate
liberal theologians who push the "we're under grace, gay is okay"
narrative. Hopefully this will help LGBTQ individuals, who are
struggling with this issue, to find peace in the truth of God's Word
and know there is freedom from this bondage.
What Is The Gospel of Jesus Christ?
(The Gospel Explained & Made Simple)
Scripture On How To Be Saved
Please take the time to listen to the video. The message is heavy but it is a dire warning of how late the hour is and why we must come to know Jesus (now) while we have time or spend eternity in Hell.
(Please take the time to listen to these message to better help
you understand your decision. This is about eternity.)
Paul Washer - The Power of the Gospel
Paul Washer - The Gospel
With true sincerity, pray this prayer:
"Heavenly Father, I come before you and confess that I am a sinner and have sinned against you. I am a sinner in need of a Savior. I'm asking for your forgiveness. I repent of my sins. I believe that Christ died for my sins, was buried and rose again, as the Scripture teaches. It is written in Your Word that if I confess with my mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in my heart that you raised Him from the dead, I shall be saved. That through Jesus Christ, His atoning blood sacrificed for me, for my sins, I am made new. Right now I choose to receive Christ as my Lord and Savior. I confess that Jesus is Lord and the only way to Salvation. I renounce my past life with Satan and close the door to any of his devices. Thank you for forgiving me of all my sin. Overwhelm me with your love and restore me so I can be reconciled to a relationship with you, Father. Take my life and give me the strength to live for You. In Jesus name I pray. Amen."
If you prayed this prayer, there should be a change in you, a desire to let Jesus be the Lord of your life and be obedient to Him. That means
turning from your old life and be willing to pay the price to follow Jesus.
God's grace does not allow us to live as we please. His grace is there for when we fail. Read the Bible to avoid doing those things that God
declares wicked while doing those things that please God. It's not
about works but God is looking for obedient servants who obey His
Word. God wants a relationship with you. God is not looking for perfect
people but willing vessels to go into the world and share the Gospel.
Please find a trusted pastor, tell him you've given your life to Christ and
want to follow it up in baptism. Baptism doesn't save you but it shows
you are identifying with Christ in obedience to His Word. Welcome to
your new life in Christ.
Contact me if you have questions:
If you don't have a Bible, you can find an online version at this link:
Or download this free PDF copy that contains both the Old and
the New Testaments of God's Holy Word:
Jewish? Jews Confirming Jesus Is The Messiah
Muslim? Ex-Muslims Expose Islam
And Share How They Came To Know Christ
The Strangeland Conference 2025
Ontario, OH (Testimony)
The Evangelical Missions to Non-Christian Religions (EMNR) Conference 2023 and 2024 (Testimony + exposing the LGBTQ agenda, pedophilia, liberal theologians, and the transgender ideology)
Engage 2023 Conference -
The Cost of Failed Discipleship
Tallahassee, FL (Testimony)
Mountain View Christian Assembly
Sandy, UT (Testimony)
Wacissa Christian Church
Monticello, FL (Testimony)
Go Therefore Conference 2021
Brookville, OH (Testimony)
Other speakers:
Dr. Mike Spaulding
Dr. Michael Lake
Dr. Sherri Tenpenny
Pastor Carl Gallups
Pastor Brandon Gallups
Coach Dave
Thom Dunn
John Diamond
David Heavener
David Paxton
Michael Boldea
Neil Petersen
“Confronting the LGBT Agenda In Your School”
Conference – Ft. Worth, TX by Texas–MassResistance – hosted by the Southwestern Baptist Theological
Seminary (Testimony)
Speaker – 10th Annual Pastors & Counselors Luncheon:
First Baptist Church
Plant City, FL (Testimony - May 9, 2018)
South Tampa Fellowship
Tampa, FL (Speaker – May 10, 2018)
First Baptist Church
Plant City, FL (Speaker – May 11, 2018)
Resolved Conference
Fletcher, NC (Testimony)
Romans Revival Ministries Church
Burkburnett, TX (Testimony)
Lake Martin Church of the Nazarene
(Celebrate Recovery Group)
Dadeville, AL (Testimony)
Vertical Point Church (Celebrate Recovery Group)
Alexander City, AL (Testimony)
Ministry Evangelism Conference
Talladega, AL (Testimony)
Reclaim It! Conference (Testimony)
Other speakers:
Pastor Daryl Whiten
Dr. Judith Reisman
Dr. Michelle Cretella
Walt Heyer
Tamara Scott
Laura Perry
Vicki Joy Anderson
Stephen & Heather Ruggero
Luca Jo Groppoli
John Uler
Darren Mehl
Nate Oyloe
April Lockhart
Calvary Chapel
Lima, OH (Testimony)
CrossWay Baptist Church
Bessemer, AL (Testimony)
Redeemed Ministries Church
(Celebrate Recovery Group)
Cleveland, AL (Testimony)
Bessemer Baptist Association
Bessemer, AL (Testimony)
Asian American & Pacific Islander Christians
for Social Justice
Los Angeles, CA (Panel Speaker)
Evergreen Baptist Church
Los Angeles, CA (Testimony)
Abernant Baptist Church
Vance, AL (Testimony)
ONEeighty Church (Celebrate Recovery group)
Springville, AL (Testimony)
Valley Creek Baptist Church
Hueytown, AL (Testimony)
Riva Lake Baptist Church
Winchester, TN (Testimony)
Residue Identity Crisis Conference
Brewer, ME (Testimony)
Why Conservatives Must Stand Against The LGBTQ Agenda
& Drag Queen Story Hour by George Carneal
Benefits of Conversion Therapy by George Carneal
Therapies For Unwanted Same-Sex Attraction Are Effective, Study Finds
Chaste Same-Sex Attracted Christians: God Did Not Make Us Gay
Fr. James Martin Rebuked After Urging Catholics To Support LGBT Pride
Changed Movement: George Carneal
World Net Daily - Ex-'Gay':
'I Finally Just Walked Away From That Life' –
George Carneal
CBN News - Former Gay Reveals Truth of LGBTQ Agenda Flooding The
Culture: They're Sanitizing The 'Horror Stories' – George Carneal
Lara Logan, Award Winning Journalist and ’60 Minutes’ Correspondent,
explains the 'agenda' and why ‘they’ are targeting children. An inside
source who spent years studying everything from the traditions, the rituals, to the ideology in order to successfully infiltrate the organization
at the United Nations (UN) level, explained why children are the biggest target:
“Their single, most important, defining objective is to eliminate and
eradicate God. They don’t define children the way you do. They don’t
define the world the way you do. The choices that you face are not
their choices. They look at it completely differently. For them,
everything is defined by their one, fundamental, all-consuming
purpose, which is to defeat God. For them, it’s about the real
god (Satan), and the true god’s (them). Children are the closest thing
on earth to God because we are created in the image of God. And from
the moment we are created we haven’t had time to be corrupted and
destroyed so for them the younger you are, the closer you are to God,
the more pain they can inflict on God. The more you can make a baby
or small child suffer, the greater your victory over God and that is the
only consideration for them.”
Jesus said: “And whosoever shall offend one of these little ones that
believe in me, it is better for him that a millstone were hanged
about his neck, and he were cast into the sea.” – Mark 9:42 KJV
Click here for PAGE TWO...
...and information regarding the following content:
* Shop Book (USA/Worldwide Locations & Links)
* MassResistance / Project Veritas
* Pornographic Children's Books
* Satanism For Children
* Pedophilia & Beastiality
* Transgender
* Ex-LGBTQ Ministries & Other Resources
* The LGBTQ Agenda: The Attack On Family & Christianity
* Homeschool / Communism In The Public School System
* The Fake, Mainstream News Media – Exposed